In the changer article, it does not have a section on the changer in lavender lodge, despite having sections on the changers of the seven monks and the mill. Is there any reason for this or should I add one? Sorry if I’m not supposed to suggest edits here, someone please tell me if I’m doing something heinous.
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Hello every I would like to remind you check out the Lockwood & Co petiton and to sign if you havent already. Link below
10 Votes in Poll
Apparently, it’s a thing to remake movie posters using clipart and comic sans. You’re welcome.
Yep, I'm on my thirties and that's the first thing you should know about me. I'm an avid fan of "juvenile" literature and I watched the series in Netflix (and I'm frankly outraged about the cancelation because we're not going to see Holly or the corporeal image of skull).
Thees books touched me deeply. I wasn't sure about them but I've been reading the last one so hard that is 1:32 am and I have a plane to catch at 6 but I really wanted to know the end.
It's magical how this story can absorb a person. And I wanted to know more about this world so here I am.
I really hope you all enjoyed them as much as I did. This last book was released in Spanish on Jan 18th and I was avoiding finishing it because I wanted them to last more. To have a lot more of the story.
I'm not going to tell any spoiler. I'm just happy now. I'm in peace. I'm fulfilled.
I hope the same for all of you with the ending.
Secretly, I also hope for a bit more of the story. For a bit more of the sentimental part. Of Lockwood's closure on his parents and Jessica.
But it's a good ending and it's all that matters.
Thank you for letting me share my thoughts.
Hi everyone!
As you might have seen, I've recently started the process of renewing some of the old forums on the wiki. While working on them, I noticed that they likely received relatively few edits due to being largely unused, so I wanted to ask:
Do you think we should try and revive those old forums as a way to organize content, especially fan and general Wiki content, or should we try and focus on categories for that, removing the old forums and organizing all articles into categories? If you've got any other ideas, I'd also be open to hearing them.
A quick catch-up if you haven't yet interacted with forums:
A Forum is an article in the "Forum:" namespace, often fan pages (like George's Gazetteer) or Wiki stuff (like Policies). The Forum:Index page and sub-forum-pages organize those articles, making them easily accessible, somewhat like categories, but more filtered. See: Help:Wiki-style forums(Community Wiki); Forum:Index.
Further, do you think that we should delete the help desk forums? The forum is currently unused, and Community Central covers all relevant topics for this wiki afaik.
I just finished the final book, although the only other book i’ve read is the screaming staircase cause i really can’t get my hands on the others
However, the book was really enjoyable and i’m sad to see the netflix series be cancelled, especially since holly is my fav character and she’ll never get to be on tv :(
Also… did anyone take the part where lockwood(or george can’t remember) saying holly has a flatmate from deprac as that she’s dating the girl…? this confused me cause previously i thought she liked lucy
Anyway, cya
Something I’ve worked on for a while and wanted to share with you guys!
Hi, I'm new here. Still reading the books, but already working on expanding the wiki & adding new functionality :3
Breaking news, people! It turns out that my attempt to melt vegan marshmallows into vegan marshmallow fluff and Lockwood are the exact same thing! I said to the dripping bowl in the microwave, "Okay, you're a mess and a disaster, but I love you anyway," and a few seconds later, "Ow! You need to cool down". So. . .
I'm really sorry to have to bring everyone this news, but Netflix has chosen to cancel the Lockwood & Co. television series after a single season. I had really hoped for better news, but unfortunately I've been suspecting this for a while now, given the way things have been going. You can read the news here:
And author Jonathan Stroud's message to fans here:
I feel like george, lockwood and lucy would be a poly couple [This is my opinion so dont come at me for it.] anyone got any ship names. I ship this as a head-canon btw.
like…… that one scene……… in the last/second-to-last episode…………… 🥴 /pdkm
Only reason I thought of because I had a dream about Holly x Lockwood x George x Lucy. 🦧 But Holly cheated on them with Flo, then Lockwood flipped out and left. Lucy followed him, while George was fighting with Holly and Flo. Flo, Holly and George ended up having a 3-some while Lucy was with Lockwood. Lucy came back with Lockwood, and then Flo attacked Lucy. Idk why, George flipped out, then Lockwood got some bagels. Dream ended. Thoughts?
12 Votes in Poll
24 Votes in Poll
SO. It's mentioned a couple of times in the books that ghosts may have the ability to move forward and backward in time in relation to their Source/a fixed point. The Fetch in Aikemere's (hope I'm spelling that right) told Lucy that it represented a future yet to pass: one where Lockwood had died for her. Of course, that ghost was feeding off her fear and unacknowledged feelings for Lockwood, so that's not a solid example. However, I read somewhere else that the two "hooded figures" Kipps saw on the lawn of the Old Sun Inn in TEG were supposed to be Lucy and Lockwood. They wore hoods. They stood on the lawn. They weren't dead in the strictest sense of the word, but they were on the Other Side several chapters later. This is the best (and probably only) example I have of time-traveling ghosts. Anything besides that is just speculation based on the lore of the books. It seems like it could be possible--besides, time doesn't work the same on the Other Side. The gang experienced it firsthand, and the Skull talked about it once, how time loses its meaning when you're dead. However, it may be that it's only possible while a ghost is on the Other Side.
(Side note because I'm now having a crisis: do all dead people cross to the Other Side and show up there? Or do only the ones with Sources appear on the Other Side and in the living realm? If the Other Side were populated by every person who's ever died, it would be PACKED. And what do ghosts do there? Lucy observed some ghosts acting out mindless patterns of behavior. This would suggest that there are Types on the Other Side, which means that it's technically only the angry dead (ghosts with Sources) that live there. Then there are also the portals. Maybe the people who have died who have no reason to come back get a FastPass through the portals. BUT that would mean that the only ghosts returning to the world of the living would be post-Marissa since they're the ones being blocked by her gates. OMFG. So it must be that only the restless dead appear on the Other Side and are capable of returning because of their Sources. We know the Problem spread because of Marissa, but did she start doing her unnatural stuff before or after she and Tom fought the first ghosts? Let's assume she observed these patterns in the first ghosts she fought with Tom and then moved on to experimenting. What caused the first ghosts to come back? And at what point did she meet Ezekiel, who inspired the weird shit she was doing? And what's stopping him from moving into the future and telling her stuff that's gonna go down later?)
Uhh, I got much farther down the second rabbit hole than the first- I'd love to hear what other people think about all of this!