Lockwood & Co. Wiki

Cheviot Hills is a small town in the North of England, and is the hometown of Lucy Carlyle. It featured a small railway station, a school, a park, a supermarket and the Jacobs & Co. agency[1].

Hauntings and Psychical activity[]

Cheviot Hills had mostly mild levels of haunting. While the streets were unsafe by night, and there was a known ghost near the water meadows and a source was destroyed near the red barn, the town was mostly protected from the worst outreach of the problem[1].

Wythburn Mill[]

Main article: Wythburn Mill Incident

The exception to this was the Withburn Mill, a water mill halfway up the Wythe. It had always had a bad reputation, with multiple accidents having occured there. Still, as a local logging firm wanted to turn the mill into their headquarters, Jacobs & Co. agents investigated, lead by Supervisor Jacobs. This mission turned out to be fatal for 4 out of the 6 Agents due to a miscalculation by Supervisor Jacobs. He underestimated warnings by Lucy Carlyle, who noticed, among other signs, a weird feeling in the mill, which were warnings of a very powerful type two changer. Jacobs sent the Agents inside the mill again, and as they pressed on, expecting a weak type one, they were slaughtered by the visitor. Lucy Carlyle managed to survive, as she stayed behind, and drag her best friend, Norrie White, out of the mill, who was stuck in ghost-lock, resulting in her indefinite confinement to a hospital room. The incident was later ruled by DEPRAC to be no fault of Jacobs[1].


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 The Screaming Staircase, II: Before, Ch. 5