Lockwood & Co. Wiki
Square Skull
"Death's in Life and Life's in Death, and what was fixed is fluid."
Warning: This page contains content which spoils plot points from material not adapted by the Netflix TV series.
The Skull advises caution for those who have not read past The Whispering Skull.

The cluster in the Red Room of Combe Carey Hall, one of the most dangerous manifestations in all of Britain.

A Cluster is a manifestation of multiple ghosts acting as one entity in a small area[1]. They often form a joined apparition, but other phenomena of manifestation may appear fused as well[2]. This usually leads to a much stronger visitor that is hardly classifiable as a type. While a cluster may exhibit certain aspects of a kind of ghost, like those of a changer, it can always also exhibit others, making clusters very unpredictable and dangerous[3].


Facing a cluster was an extremely dangerous endeavor. Besides the unpredictability, which made excessive and widespread research a necessity, the sheer power of multiple ghosts, combined with their notable amounts of ectoplasm, could become extremely dangerous very quickly. Even through meticulous research, the scope of abilities a cluster could exhibit was hardly classifiable or estimable, as the cluster did not always act based on the motives of the individually deceased, more often acting as their group motives, which were seemingly always aggressive[4].

It is unknown whether neutral or passive clusters were a possibility, but due to their aggressive characteristics and strength, this seems unlikely. Just as unknown are the limits of a cluster. It is possible that a cluster's size was only limited by its ectoplasm, meaning their size was almost unlimited, or by some other limitations, like room size. The latter possibility is implied by the limitation of the Red Room Cluster to the Red Room, but this could have well been an isolated incident or due to large amounts of iron, as these were present around the Red Room[3][5].

Known Abilities[]

High ectoplasm volumes[]

A Cluster apparition could contain very large amounts of ectoplasm, allowing it to cover whole rooms or even halls, potentially trapping agents and making ghost-touch a likely danger when facing a cluster. This could, at times, be limited by the intelligence of a cluster, allowing agents to easily distract it, but it is unknown whether this was always the case[5][4].


Main article: Changer

This ability was likely only possible with at least one changer as part of the cluster, and involved enormous amounts of ectoplasm to form large apparitions[3][4]. It is unknown if changing these apparitions was easily possible for a cluster, but due to the general power of a cluster, this seems likely.

Coordinated attack[]

This is a dangerous ability of clusters which form multiple apparitions. It causes the individual apparitions to attack in a coordinated manner, trapping victims in specific areas or attacking all at once. Depending on the size of the cluster, this could be disastrous[6].

Combatting Clusters[]

Facing a cluster was a dangerous and most likely lethal endeavor, even for elite agents[7][8]. This, combined with the little known about clusters in general, means the best method of eradication is often a complete destruction of the property, sealing the ground or affected areas with iron. If this is not a possibility and the cluster has to be faced, it is best to prepare for a long hunt, bringing all equipment available and making sure exits and hotspots are known beforehand, allowing agents the best chance at survival.

Notable Clusters[]

Red Room Cluster[]

Main article: Red Room

The Red Room Cluster was a legendary cluster located in Combe Carey Hall, which partly gave the house it's reputation. It was the place of manifestation for a powerful changer-cluster, meaning it mainly exhibited abilities of a changer, and claimed multiple deaths before eventually being secured by Lockwood & Co. agents[9].

Wimbledon Wraiths Cluster[]

Main article: Wimbledon Wraiths

The Wimbledon Wraiths Cluster was a cluster of Gallows Wraiths that formed multiple apparitions. During the early night, only one or two of these were visible, possibly luring agents into a false sense of security, as other apparitions manifested. At some point, a few hours after the beginning of the night, all of the 14 apparitions would appear suddenly and trap victims, attacking with combined force shortly later[6].

Chelsea Outbreak[]

Main article: Chelsea outbreak

The Chelsea outbreak was a massive cluster-haunting spanning almost the whole of Chelsea. It was comprised of many different apparitions, ranging from simple type ones like glimmers to dangerous type twos. It was most likely the largest super-cluster to ever exist and claimed many lives, including multiple agents. It was a manmade cluster, caused by interference below Aickmere Brothers, a department store.


  1. The Screaming Staircase, Glossary
  2. Doubt Thou The Stars, "This is not just one Ghost!": 19:38
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Doubt Thou The Stars: 19:30
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 The Screaming Staircase, IV: The Hall, Ch. 21
  5. 5.0 5.1 The Screaming Staircase, IV: The Hall, Ch. 22
  6. 6.0 6.1 The Whispering Skull, I: The Wimbledon Wraiths, Ch. 1-2
  7. The Screaming Staircase, IV: The Hall, Ch. 18
  8. The Screaming Staircase, IV: The Hall, Ch. 19
  9. The Screaming Staircase, IV: The Hall, Ch. 19-22