Lockwood & Co. Wiki
Square Skull
"Death's in Life and Life's in Death, and what was fixed is fluid."
Warning: This page contains content which spoils plot points from material not adapted by the Netflix TV series.
The Skull advises caution for those who have not read past The Whispering Skull.

Ned Shaw was part of Quill Kipps' team. He died while his team amongst several others were trying to solve the Chelsea outbreak.

When Lockwood & Co joins Kipps' team at the end of The Hollow Boy, Kat Godwin and Bobby Vernon both claim to have seen the Fetch ghost imitating Ned Shaw.

On the Lockwood & Co. TV series, Ned is portrayed by Rico Vina.


Not much is known, aside from his occupation within the Fittes Agency, within Quill Kipps’ subdivision.


He is described to have light brown hair that is quite messy, blue eyes set too close together, and light skin. Ned is around Lockwood's height, as stated in The Whispering Skull. He is strong, short tempered, and mean. He's always using his position at Fittes to get away with acts like intimidating witnesses with physical harm, as noted in The Whispering Skull. Despite this, his colleagues on Kipps' team seem quite attached to him and rattled by his death, suggesting that he may have a softer side. Even so, he is considered to be a "nasty piece of work," there being rumors that he once beat up a Grimble agent, though it was never proven.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

Ned Shaw is only briefly seen in Netflix's Lockwood & Co. TV series. As the scene involving him and Lockwood's team trying to get information from the Night Watch kid is cut for time, his role is mainly limited to appearing in the fight scene with Julius Winkman's thugs.


  1. The Whispering Skull, III: The Missing Mirror, Ch. 10