Lockwood & Co. Wiki

George Karim SmallSized "Sorry, Luce. There's nothing more here."
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The books and TV adaptation are divided on this topic. The following article will focus on the book version, citing the adaptation only where the book lacks information. For the adaptation's version, see Ellie

Percy Grebe, also known as Ellie, was a muscled and broad-shouldered chauffeur and personal assistant of John Fairfax. He was a former agent with the Hambleton Agency, which was later absorbed by the Fittes Agency. He is an excellent swordsman, managing to match Anthony Lockwood, and also a skilled thief, as is seen when he tried to steal the source of Annabel Ward[1].

In the Lockwood & Co. TV Series, Percy Grebe is Ellie, portrayed by Lily Nichol

Dealings with Lockwood & Co.[]


  1. The Screaming Staircase, IV: The Hall, Ch. 24