Lockwood & Co. Wiki

Lucy Carlyle holding the source of Annabel Ward

Relics are sources that have been stolen, from the living or the dead, to be sold on the black market to relic-men.

Relics are generally objects of curiosity, a morbid fascination for the darker elements of society. Trading in such relics is entirely illegal and the proper containment of them and arrest of those in their trade. Despite this, their often extremely high value draws people to the profession. While some are interested in the relics themselves, other live on the margins, wanting them only for money. Investigating such activity is part of the duties of DEPRAC.

One such relic was the Bone Glass, a powerful artifact that supposedly showed those who looked into the secrets of the Other Side, but which actually ensnared anyone who so much as glanced at it and killed anyone who viewed it directly.

Any relics successfully recovered by the authorities were typically burned within the furnaces found at the Fittes Agency.
