- "And relic girls."
- "Girl, actually. I'm the only one. My own boss."
- -- Lucy Carlyle and Flo Bones, "Death Is Coming"
Relic-men was a term that referred to individuals who collected sources, typically with the intention of selling them on the black market. Such sources were known as relics. As all sources were tied to ghosts, collection of such sources was illegal and carried the penalty of either fines or jail, strictly regulated by DEPRAC, the Department of Psychical Research and Control. Such objects, however, were considered highly desirable by many of the seedier elements of the United Kingdom and curiosity-seekers, hence the thriving market. Mere possession of such objects was a dangerous business, and thus many who dealt in them possessed Talent, but chose to employ it in a means other than the typical way of becoming an Agent or a member of the Night Watch. Some were former agents whose Talent had faded, thus causing them to seek another line of work. Relic-men often associated with other seedy individuals, such as shop-owners like Julius Winkman.
The only known female relic-man was Flo Bones. A former agent, she was the winner of a dueling competition with rapiers, but left the agency life following a tragic incident that saw the loss of the other members of her team. She was independent, fiercely proud, and felt that agents were just slaves to a system run by the rich.
Agents were taught during their apprenticeships that wicked relic-men were the moral opposite of everything that agents stood for. They hunted Sources out of a desire for profit, as opposed to agents doing so for the public good. While agents took care to dispose of dangerous artifacts carefully, relic-men sold them to the highest bidder. They were considered thieves and society's bottom-feeders.
Flo Bones once told Lockwood that there was a code of silence among people in her trade, that they could not rat on each other. Lockwood, however, said that it was the first he had heard of it and he thought that they were famous for their cutthroat rivalry and happy to sell each other's grandmother for a sixpence. She stated that the two weren't necessarily mutually exclusive.