- "A Type Three is a visitor who defiantly refuses to move on from the mortal realm. A spirit of extraordinary strength and intelligence. It thinks, feels, and speaks like you or I, but it does that alone and in darkness for all eternity. Until it happens upon a living soul with the talent to communicate."
- -- Marissa Fittes, "Sweet Dreams"
Type Three is a very rare grade of ghost, defining ones that are able to communicate fully with the living. Type Three ghosts, when unrestrained, have also been shown to have other strong abilities, such as being able to physically affect the world around them similar to poltergeists, and to even fight against other Type Three ghosts.
Type Three was first reported by Marissa Fittes, however, she seemed to be the only person to ever encounter this type of ghost, which brought doubt to the existence of the type. In a manuscript she published herself, she describes the experience and how this ghost is supposedly letting her in on the secrets of life and death.
Upon first taking a tour of 35 Portland Row, Lucy Carlyle encounters a set of box files in the basement offices, labeled by type and subtype, i.e. "Type One: Shades." At the end of these is a thin file marked "Type Threes." When she asks Anthony Lockwood if he's actually ever encountered one, he replies that he's not even sure they exist.[1]
Lucy Carlyle later is able to talk to the Skull, thus proving to all members of Lockwood & Co. that Type Threes in fact exist. The Skull's Source, a skull, is sealed in a silver-glass jar that keeps it tightly restrained. It is only through a small grate covered by a lever on the lid that it is able to communicate with Lucy at all. It often urges her to grant it freedom and release it from the jar. Lucy, for most of the series, suspects that doing so would allow it free reign to wreak all sorts of havoc.
As noted by Lucy, a defining characteristic of the Type Three is the spirit's unwillingness move on to the Other Side despite their body's physical death. Such spirits had a desperate desire for connection with those still living. More than anything, they feared being alone and could not stand the thought that such loneliness and emptiness awaited them after death. The Skull seemed unmoved by the threat of taking it the Fittes furnaces of Clerkenwell and burning it. When, however, Lucy instead threatened it with placing it in a bag and burying it so deep that nobody would ever find it, it gave into her demands.[2]
- ↑ The Screaming Staircase, II: Before, Ch. 6
- ↑ The Whispering Skull, VI: Through the Looking Glass, Ch. 25