Lockwood & Co. Wiki

"You Never Asked" is the sixth episode of the first season of Netflix's Lockwood & Co. It, like the other episodes of the first season, was released on Netflix on 27 January, 2023.


The jarred skull leads Lucy to Bickerstaff's home. The team accepts an invitation to the Fittes ball, hoping snag a rare book from the company library.


Bickerstaff's acolyte[]

A pair of DEPRAC ambulances arrive outside 35 Portland Row. Suited staff enter and exit the house, spraying down the floor. George Karim examines a bag containing the weapon which killed Jack Carver. He identifies it as having been a Mughul dagger, of Indian origin from the 16th century. He tells Inspector Montagu Barnes that they come in pairs and if they find the other one, they find Carver's killer. Barnes tells him and the others it won't be them, that they've made themselves too conspicuous. Lockwood is aghast. Barnes argues he can't protect them, but Lockwood tells him their methods work, that they found Annabel Ward's murderer. He asks that he give them a chance. Barnes asks Lucy's opinion, and she tells him she thinks they should finish the job.

Barnes decides to give them a chance, but warns them to be smart, that they're dealing with real-life criminals. He tells them to stick to the psychical side and leave the rest of DEPRAC. He leaves, asking that this not be the last time he sees them alive, walking out with Sergeant Wade. He asks her if he's doing the right thing. She tells him he warned them and couldn't do anything else. "They're the ones with the Talent." Lockwood sees a death-glow where Carver's body was. He considers the secret door, then walks off.

That morning, Lockwood asks George what happened to the window and he claims a bird flew into it. He fills him and Lucy in on what he's learned about Edmund Bickerstaff: that he was a highly respected clinician, psychiatrist, and a pioneer of new techniques. He tells them his work would have remained secret if not for Mary Dulac, who disappeared from a party and turned up again ten years later, completely mad. Lockwood figures this must be because of the Bone Glass and they all wonder just what it is and what it can do. George says he thinks it's something completely unique. "Oh, well done," comes a voice. It's the Skull in the jar and, as before, only Lucy can hear it. She asks it what it means. She asks why it doesn't help them. He tells her that he's a mere acolyte, that her master has the answers. "You know Bickerstaff!" realizes Lucy and he tells her that his master's power cannot stay buried. She asks what the Bone Glass is and it tells her to take it to its master's house. She asks why, what they will find there. "Everything you need to know," it tells her.

Home again[]

The Skull tells Lucy it will need something in return. As the group starts gathering kit, George comments that he knew there was something special about the Skull when he stole it. He says they're making history and he says Lucy's asset value has skyrocketed. She says she's glad he finally believes her and he says he's a man of science. He suggests they let the Skull lead them to Bickerstaff's secrets then decide what to do with it, but Lockwood tells him it's Lucy's decision. George calls it the best experiment yet, fully testing out a Type Three. "And me," points out Lucy, and Lockwood tells her they have her back. "Ready?" asks Lockwood and they head out. They arrive at a dilapidated mansion. A sign on a gate warns people to keep out, but is not bolted. Lockwood wonders how the Skull knew Bickerstaff and Lucy explains that it called itself his acolyte. "Bodes well," comments George.

They enter the premises, but the Skull tells Lucy to stop. He tells her to let Lockwood and Karim go, that they can't talk to him and he can. He tells her if he dies, he'll be trapped in the jar forever and he's in charge. Lockwood tells Lucy she can't blank them, that she has to tell them what it says. She tells them she's going in alone. They object, but she tells them to trust her. She tells them they can come if she's not back in 15 minutes, that it's her decision. "Foolish girl," comments the Skull. She enters. "Home," comments the Skull, telling her to let it out. Lucy tells him no, saying they haven't found what they're looking for. "Where does your master keep his secrets? Behind a closed door," he tells her. She opens a door, shining a torch, then feels a pulse of energy at another door. The Skull asks what she senses and she tells him it's traces of cigars and drinking. He tells her it's the dining room and to go ahead.

Inside, she finds something that looks not like a dining table, but an operating table. She touches it and senses something being sawed and blood dripping. She comments that she thought Bickerstaff was a shrink and not a surgeon. The Skull calls him a visionary. Lucy says it isn't what they came for, asking him to tell her where to find what they came for. It tells her again to let it out and she reminds it that it said it needed her alive, telling it to start talking. "Look closer," it tells her, saying to examine the table for a switch. She does and the vents of a fireplace open. Outside, George tells Lockwood that he thought hours ago this was the best thing to happen to them and now it might be the worst. He says he knows what he means. George says the Skull is still technically his and Lockwood points out it was never his, that he stole it. George asks how long it is and Lockwood says it's been 10 minutes. George asks him if he's forgot about Annabel Ward. Lockwood agrees it's insane and they head off.

Lucy asks the Skull what she's looking at. She goes to examine the fireplace grate and hears some sort of eerie music. She descends a ladder and finds herself in a dusty room. To her chagrin, the torch goes out. Lockwood and George wander the house, searching for her. She lights a lamp and heads forward, finding a number of strange stalls. She hears a fluttering and asks what it was. The Skull tells her something has sensed her and there's no much time, to search the desk. She does, but hears a soft hissing. She finds the papers, but smoke is gathering. As she places the bound papers in her backpack, the Skull warns her to be quick, that they're coming. Wind blows and the fireplace vent shutters. Lockwood and George detect the disturbance. They rush to Lucy as the Skull tells her it's too late. "They were his patients, he killed them," realizes Lucy. The Skull tells Lucy it's time to let him out, but she rushes forward and climbs the ladder. She shouts for George and the Skull tells her that George can't help. "Release me!" it shouts. Lockwood tells Lucy they're coming as the Skull shouts she's ruined them. Lockwood and George release the vents. They pull Lucy to safety, Lockwood tossing a magnesium flare behind.


Lockwood asks Lucy what happens and she tells him the Skull was a monster. He tells her she's safe now and it's the last time she does a job on her own, that they're her team, not the Skull. George asks if she found anything and she shows them the papers. They return home and Lucy tells Lockwood that she needs to put the Skull away for a bit, that she doesn't trust it. Lockwood discovers dirty footprints on the floor. In a chair, he discovers the sleeping form of Flo Bones. He jerks her awake. "Still got your old key, then?" he asks her and she tells him she never throws one away.

Lockwood tells Flo she's always welcome to put her feet up there. She quips that she loves what he's done with the place, pointing out he hasn't changed it. She tells him he can't avoid dealing with the secret room forever. She turns the subject to Carver, saying she knows a place where he can hide. He asks if she's heard anything and she suggests that maybe they could get a caravan, or a fortified warehouse. She tells him there's a high-value auction happening at midnight that night on Fothergill's Wharf. She warns him he'd be mad to go near without her help. Elated, Lockwood jokes that he could kiss her, and she laughs. "Just don't die," she tells him, and says to save his kisses for "whatsherface". Lockwood is surprised and asks who she's talking about, but Flo just remarks that he's acting different around her, referring to Lucy. Lockwood also seems to realise this, and hesitates slightly before telling Flo that "she's just an associate". George comes in and he introduces the two of them. She compliments his cooking, taking a bite of a biscuit he made. She asks where Lockwood has been hiding him and George says he could ask the same thing. Flo leaves, saying she'll see Lockwood at 11:30. George asks what's happening then and Lockwood says he has something to fill him and Lucy in on.

George explains that the papers Lucy found are ancient depictions of spirits being tied to their sources and that Bickerstaff must have come across the illustrations and tested the theory. "He was murdering his own patients to make sources?" wonders Lockwood and George says that this would be too hit-and-miss. "He was taking parts of the while they were alive," realizes Lucy and George agrees that this would inflict so much trauma that it would tie their source to their bones. He holds up a paper depicting the Bone Glass. It was seven ghosts, like Carver said. He asks if the Skull could help and Lucy says they're not on talking terms. He suggests Pamela Joplin, and says that Mary Dulac's Confessions could also help, but the only known copy is at the Black Library at the Fittes Agency. He and Lockwood agree that it'd be hard to get into Fittes, but Lucy says she's not so sure. She hands Lockwood an envelope, explaining that it came in the mail. Lockwood opens it, revealing an invitation for Lockwood & Co. to attend the 50th anniversary ball of the Fittes Agency.

Memories of Norrie[]

The ball is that night. Lockwood says it means they're back in the game and that the plan is for George to get the papers translated, go to the ball and get the book and then they go and get the Bone Glass, that Flo found a way. He tells Lucy she better go shopping, showing her that the invitation calls for formal dress. That afternoon, Lucy arrives back at 35 Portland Row with her bags of shopping. Quill Kipps appears, asking if she needs a hand. She asks if he's following her and he tells her he didn't mean to, that he just saw her and thought he'd help. She starts walking and he tells her he spoke to Saunders and heard about her work at Kensal Green Cemetery. He says Lockwood & Co. were nothing before her. She says they make a great team, but he tells her she's wasted there, that Fittes made a mistake and that she should come to the party with her tonight. She tells him she can't, because she's going with someone else, who Kipps immediately guesses is Lockwood, though she points out that George is coming as well. He says that maybe he came on too big, asking if they could get a coffee. She, however, tells him she needs to get going. He asks her to think about it. We see that Lockwood has been watching them from the window, and dejectedly, he closes the curtains.

George greets Pamela Joplin, who has brought books and kung pao chicken. He invites her to come on in, as Lockwood and Lucy prepare for the party. Lockwood again considers the secret door, while Lucy gets dressed in a beautiful cobalt blue silk dress and gets made up. She considers herself in the mirror, and her pictures of herself and Norrie White. Lockwood knocks at the door, asking to come in. He is in a suit and tie and he asks if she has everything she needs and if everything is okay with the Skull. She tells him it's fine, that it just gets in her head. He asks about the photo, and she tells him that it was all her idea, coming to London, going to parties, and now she's there and her friend isn't. She says she feels like she stole it from her, that it's stupid, really. He asks if she lost her and she tells him that she was ghost locked. He tells her she never said and she says he never asked. He apologizes, saying he's sure she'd want her to live for the both of them. He gives her a pendant, telling her it belonged to someone he was close to. She asks what would happen if she lost it and he tells her she has a good record with precious necklaces. He asks if there's nothing else, if she's okay, and she says she is. He tells her he'll go check on the cab.

Downstairs, Lockwood tells George he's not ready and he tells him to go on without him, that there's so much to do. He hands him a paper, saying it's all he needs to know. Joplin tells him to go if he wants to, but he tells her he doesn't really want to, that he doesn't really like parties. Lockwood tells him they'll still need him for what's after. Joplin asks what this is about. He tells her not to tell anyone, but that they're going to get the Bone Glass. Lockwood opens up the paper, which is a map, including the location of the black library. Lucy asks where George is, and when Lockwood tells her he's staying behind she asks if it's just them. He says yes, and asks if that's alright with her. She just smiles, and he and Lucy get in the cab. Lucy asks where George is and Lockwood tells her he'll join them later. They head off.

The Fittes Ball[]

Lockwood tells Lucy that they should do some mingling first and make it look like they came to party. "Jesus Christ, are those things sources?" asks Lucy and Lockwood explains that they're famous relic columns, that Penelope never let good taste get in the way of sharing her family's famous legacy. Penelope appears above and Lockwood waves. Lucy asks what he's doing, and he tells her that Penelope is just a normal person, no more important than either of them. Lucy laments the taste of the food and Lockwood suggests they do a circuit, but Lucy tells him she needs the loo, and Lockwood stares after her, smiling. On her way there, she encounters Quill Kipps, but does not engage.

Lucy stares at one of the relic columns and just then Penelope Fittes appears behind her, telling her that it is Long Hugh Henratty, the highwayman. "He doesn't look all that long," quips Lucy and Penelope tells her that wild dogs ate his legs. She tells her that Tom Rotwell dug him up in 1971 and her mother Marissa Fittes, kept the ghost at bay waving an iron spade. She tells her that the job offers still stands, that she was the one who suggested it to Kipps. She tells Lucy that she did some research on her and that what happened to her friends wasn't her fault, that they've seen to it that Jacobs will never work again as a supervisor. She tells Lucy that she was always the black sheep of her family and it's taken her time to get used to all this. She says that people don't really look at her, that they only see the great Penelope Fittes, who they want her to be. She says that people need hope and reassurance. She tells her that she could help her some more, that there are benefits to being on the inside. Lucy starts to acknowledge how the offer is extremely generous, her hand going to the pendant Lockwood gave her, but Penelope catches on and notes that Lucy feels safe with Lockwood and Lucy tells her they're a team. Penelope says she had this once and that she's a good listener if Lucy ever needs to talk.

"I see you managed to mingle after all," comments Lockwood, asking what Penelope wanted. Lucy tells him it was small talk and they have a job to do. They head off and Lockwood asks if Penelope offered her a job. She asks how he knew and he says it's what he would have done and if he were her, he would have bitten her hand off. "Why?" asks Lucy and he says he can't compete. He asks her what's going on, why he saw her talking to Kipps. He asks what the deal is and she tells him that Kipps offered her a job too and to go out for coffee. Confused, he repeats "coffee?", and Lucy clarifies that Kipps had asked her to hang out, like what normal people do. "Like — like a date?" asked Lockwood, and Lucy replied asking if it was so hard to believe. Lockwood is flustered, hesitating to answer but Lucy says that she turned him down, and his expression is immediately relieved. She remarks that she could never work for a place like this, "too much cement, and no smell of burnt toast", eliciting a laugh from Lockwood, and tells him that Portland Row, Lockwood and George are her home. Back at Portland row, George gets ready to head out. He hears a faint tapping at the window. He shoulders his bag and heads off, the Skull watching from the covered jar.

Skirmish in the Black Library[]

Lockwood and Lucy enter an elevator, using a code provided by George. They arrive inside an ostentatious room, the Black Library. They get to searching, and Lucy recognizes a harp symbol on an object inside a glass case as being the same one they saw on John Fairfax's goggles. Lockwood tells Lucy that he has it, that he found in the card catalog where the Confessions book is. They start searching the books furiously, and Lockwood finds it. Lockwood begins to open the book when they hear a door opening. Penelope Fittes enters with a man, saying it'll be quieter in there. Lucy and Lockwood hide behind shelves as Penelope asks what they've been saying. The man tells her that some of the members are getting restless, that they feel she's not helping them sufficiently. Penelope says it's they're problem and that she has something for him pass along, to quell their complaining. She lifts the lid of the glass case and hands him the object that Lucy saw, saying it's working again. She tells him she's going back where she's appreciated.

The man tells Penelope that he'll hang back for a few minutes so they don't set tongues wagging. She leaves and he spots the map that George gave Lockwood sitting on a table. He sets down the object and examines the map. Lockwood tells Lucy they need to go. The man draws his rapier. Lockwood and Lucy move to bolt, but the man thrusts his rapier in front of Lockwood. "In a hurry?" he asks him, telling him he wouldn't want his blade to slip. Lockwood asks if it's real gold. He asks who he is and Lockwood calls himself a guest that got lost. The man shows him the map. He asks if he's an agent. Lockwood asks if it's gold-plated, saying it's a bit tacky. "Hey, I found my way to the loo!" says Lucy, appearing, and Lockwood uses the distraction to grab a book and distract the man. Lucy kicks a table at him and they bolt out the exit. The man places a call to security, saying there's been a breach at the Black Library. Lucy watches people blocking the exits, asking if Lockwood has a plan. He tells her he does now. They head downstairs and he pulls an extinguisher. Sprinklers descend from the ceiling, spreading not water but salt. An announcement comes on, telling everyone to evacuate, calmly and carefully. "This party's dead. Wanna ditch it with me?" asks Lockwood of Lucy. Everyone flees.


  • This is the third of five episodes of the first season of Lockwood & Co. adapting events from the second novel of the book series, The Whispering Skull.
  • The songs heard at the Fittes ball are "Party Fears Two" by the Associates and "Tears Run Dry" by The Flight.
  • In the original The Whispering Skull, Lockwood & Co. visit the home of Edmund Bickerstaff and retrieve the papers at great danger, bringing the Skull without Lucy's knowledge, and encounter Quill Kipps's team inside. In this episode, they bring the Skull with them, the Skull insists on only it and Lucy entering the property, and Kipps's team does not appear.



Other Cast In Order of Appearance[]

Ghost Performers[]

  • Stuart Angell, Tommaso di Vincenzo, Ruby Gaskell, Jordan Revell, Nicholas Tredsea as Breathers